姓名:蒋锋 | 性别:男 | |
籍贯:湖北 | 民族:汉 | |
所在系:数理与金融统计学系 | 教研室: | |
是否博导:是 | 是否硕导:是 | |
职称:教授 | 现任职务:系主任、应用统计专业硕士大数据导师组组长 | |
电子邮箱:fjiang@zuel.edu.cn |
topics in statistics、应用统计学前沿专题、统计计算与模拟(数值计算与统计模拟)、一级学科经典文献(统计学)、量化投资等
2002.09-2005.07 华中师范大学概率论与数理统计理学硕士
1998.09-2002.07 三峡大学数学理学学士
2011.07-至今 中南财经政法大学统计与数学学院
2017.07-2017.08 澳大利亚monash大学数学科学系访问学者
2015.08-2016.08 澳大利亚monash大学数学科学系访问学者
2011.10-2013.10 华中科技大学控制科学与工程博士后
2005.07-2008.08 华北电力大学理学院讲师
主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目 (201901104037,2019-2020)
1)蒋锋.神经网络及其在数据科学中的应用.中国财政经济出版社, 2019.
feng jiang, y qiao, x jiang, t tian, multistep ahead forecasting for hourly pm10 and pm2.5 based on two-stage decomposition embedded sample entropy and group teacher optimization algorithm, atmosphere 2021, 12: 1-18
feng jiang,j he, tian t h. a clustering-based ensemble approach with improved pigeon-inspired optimization and extreme learning machine for air quality prediction. applied soft computing, 2019, 85: 105827.
feng jiang,j he,z zeng,pigeon-inspired optimization and extreme learning machine via wavelet packet analysis for predicting bulk commodity futures prices. science china information sciences, 2019, 62(7): 70204
x jiang, feng jiang, b zhang, operational modal analysis of a nonlinear oscillation system under a harmonic excitation, 2020, j mechanical engineering science, 0(0) 1–14
x jiang, feng jiang. operational modal analysis using symbolic regression for a nonlinear vibration system. journal of low frequency noise vibration and active control, 2020, 0(0): 1-15.
x jiang, feng jiang. optimal strain sensors placement to analyze the modal parameters of the sorting arm, journal of vibroengineering, 2020, 22(1):145-155.
y song, feng jiang. quasi-synchronization of stochastic memristor-based neural networks with mixed delays and parameter mismatches,neural computing and applications, 2020, 32(5):4615-4628.
feng jiang, jiawei yang,ultra-short-term wind power forecast using ensemble learning and elephant herd optimization algorithm, icicip2019
,, , ei2 2019
feng jiang, jointly with guodong zhang,exponential stability criteria for delayed second-ordermemristive neural networks, neurocomputing,315(2018)439-446
feng jiang, jointly with yinfang song, zhigang zeng, quasi-synchronization of stochastic memristor-based neural networks with mixed delays and parameter mismatches, neural computing and applications, 2018.
feng jiang, jointly with jiaqi he, h yang, hybrid genetic algorithm and support vector machine performance in public fiscal revenue pridiction, ccc2018.
feng jiang,jointly with zijun peng, jiaqi he, short-term load forecasting based on support vector regression with improved grey wolf optimizer, icaci, 2018
feng jiang, jointly with jiaqi he, zijun peng, short-term wind power forecasting based on bp neural network with improved ant lion optimizer, ccc2018
feng jiang, jointly with w. wu, z. peng, a simi-parametric quantile regression random forest approach for evaluating muti-period value at risk, proceeding of the chinese control conf, 2017:5642-5646
feng jiang, hua yang, tianhai tian, property and numerical simulation of the ait-sahalia-rho model with nonlinear growth conditions, discrete and continuous dynamical systems series b, 2017(22)
q zhu, feng jiang, h. wang, b. wang, comment on stability analysis of stochastic differential equations with markovian switching,systems & control letters, 2017: 102-103
feng jiang,wenjun wu,hybrid genetic algorithm and support vector regression performance in cny exchange rate prediction,esm, 2016
feng jiang, hua yang, yi shen, stability of second-order stochastic neutral partial functional differential equations driven by impulsive noises,中国科学(信息科学), 2016(11),sci
hua yang, jianguo liu, feng jiang, ,: ieee 7th international conference on intelligent control and information processing (icicip), 2016: 217-222
h. yang, j. liu, feng jiang, , 7th international conference on intelligent control and information processing, icicip 2016: 217-222
feng jiang, wenjun wu, hybrid particle swarm optimization and support vector regression performance in exchange rate prediction,international journal of economics and business administration, vol. 2, no. 5, nov. 2016, pp. 59-64.
feng jiang, yi shen,exponential stability of stochastic evolution jump-diffusions driven by impulses, ccc2016, vol. 2016-august, 2016, 1723-1728.
y. song,w. sun, f. jiang, , neurocomputing, 2016, 205(c):195-203
feng jiang, h. yang, t. tian, stability analysis for second-order stochastic neutral partial functional systems subject to infinite delays and impulses, adv differ equ (2016) 2016: 224.
feng jiang, h. yang, y. shen, a note on exponential stability for second-order neutral stochastic partial differential equations with infinite delays in the presence of impulses, applied mathematics and computation, vol. 287-288, september, 2016, 125-133
; ; ,, proceedings of 6th international conference on intelligent control and information processing, icicip 2015, 2016: 237-240
yang, hua; jiang, feng,,3rd international conference on management science, education technology, arts, social science and economics, 2015(21-22): 901-905
w.xie, q. zhu, feng jiang, , neurocomputing, 2016 (173): 1268-1275
s. senthilraj, r. raja, feng jiang, q. zhu, r. samidurai, , neurocomputing,2016(171): 1265–1280
feng jiang, hua yang, xinquan zhao, on the asymptotic stability of a class of jump-diffusions of neutral type with impulses, journal of inequalities and applications, 2013, 2013:561
s. xiong, q. zhu, feng jiang, , journal of the franklin institute, 2015(352): 5106-5121
h. yang, j. liu, feng jiang, exponential stability of jump-diffusion systems with neutral term and impulses, math. probl. eng., mathematical problems in engineering, volume 2015 (2015), article id 192083
h.yang, j. liu, feng jiang, exponentially attractive set and positive invariant set of a class of chaos systems, international conference on sustainable energy and environment protection (icseep) ,2015: 601-605
q. wu, feng jiang, t. tian, , international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2015, 25(7): 1540009
刘寅, 张弛, 蒋锋. 多元零浮动负二项分布模型在美国老龄化研究中的应用,数理统计与管理, 2020(3):406-416.
,,, 统计与信息论坛,2018(5)