通讯员: 发布人:刘巍 发布时间:2017-01-24 浏览次数:4258 |
| 姓名:赵目 | 性别:男 | 籍贯:皖 | 民族:汉 | 所在系:统计学系 | 教研室:综合统计 | 是否博导:否 | 是否硕导:是 | 职称:副教授 | 现任职务:教研室主任 | 电子邮箱:zhaomu266@163.com |
讲授课程: 统计学、定性数据分析、生存分析、时间序列分析、半参数统计学、大数据统计基础等 研究方向: 复杂生存数据统计分析、半参非参统计模型、大数据统计分析 社会职务: 中国现场统计研究会资源与环境统计分会及数据科学分会理事 个人简历(教育背景、工作经历等): 2015.07至今,中南财经政法大学,讲师,副教授 2012.03-2015.01,northwestern university,postdoctoral research 2011.11-2012.01,香港浸会大学,visiting research scholar 2011.02-2011.04,香港城市大学,research associate 2008.09-2011.07,中科院数学与系统科学研究院,理学博士 2004.07-2012.03,安徽大学数学科学学院,讲师 2001.09-2004.07,安徽大学数学系,理学硕士 1997.09-2001.07,安徽大学数学系,理学学士
科学研究: 湖北省科技厅,《科技金融助推湖北省民营经济高质量发展研究》,2019立项,编号:2019adc052 中央高校基本业务费《病例队列设计下剩余寿命半参数模型统计推断》,2020立项,编号:2722020py040 zhao, m., yang, x., he, q. and ge, x. (2021), quantile jensen's inequalities and their applications, accepted by journal of inequalities and applications. 侯彦敬,赵目 (2020)长寿指数统计测量的改进,统计与决策,557(17),33-37. zhao, m., jiang, h., and zhou, y. (2017), estimation of percentile residual life function with left truncated and right censored data. communications in statistics-theory and methods, 46(2), 995-1006. zhao, m., wang, y., and zhou, y. (2016), accelerated failure time model with quantile information. annals of the institute ofstatistical mathematics. 68,1001-1024. zhao, m., and jiang, h. (2015) berry-esseen bounds for the percentile residual life function estimators with application to relative deficiency study. statistics and probability letters.104,133-140. zhao, m., jiang, h., and zhou, y. (2013), l1-deficiency of quantile estimator with respect to a kernel quantile estimator. statistics and probability letters, 83, 2399-2406. zhao, m., jiang h., and liu, x. (2013), a note on estimation of the mean residual life function with left-truncated and right-censored data. statistics and probability letters, 83, 2332-2336. zhao, m., chen, b., and zhou, y. (2012), generalized estimating equation estimators with longitudinal data. acta mathematica sinica, chinese series, 1, 1-16. zhao, m., bai, f., and zhou, y. (2011), relative deficiency of quantile estimators for left truncated and right censored data. statistics and probability letters, 81, 1725-1732. zhao, m., lin, c., and zhou, y. (2016), analyzing right-censored length-biased data under additive hazard model. accept in acta mathematicae applicatae sinica (english series).
教学研究: 中南财经政法大学研究生教育创新计划项目《定性数据的检验方法和统计建模》(2019,已结项) 中南财经政法大学研究生教育创新计划项目《统计学中两类“非”问题研究》(2018,已结项)
获奖荣誉: 正大杯第十届全国大学生市场调查与分析大赛国家二等奖(指导老师),2020 2016,2018,2019年度考核优秀奖 2017综合服务先进个人三等奖